Thursday, September 9, 2010


There is no denying that art students have the coolest school supply lists.  (Also, unfortunately, the most expensive.)  School has officially begun.  Homework and everything.  Is it weird to be excited about homework?  All of my teachers seem like really relaxed, really intelligent and very talented individuals.  I'm excited to get to know them.  

There is a small part of me that is terrified that I will flat out suck at everything I do this semester.  But I think I need to take my own advice from my last post.  Be brave  Take chances.  Fall in love with something.

Its strange to think that I'm a junior in college and I still feel like I'm just getting started.  There is still so much to learn and do.  I don't know if I'll ever be ready for the real world entirely.  Even when I get to join it....I think I'll always be holding onto the best parts of being a child.  The mess, the happy chaos, the room for indecision and the room for choosing all at once, goldfish, annnnnnd nap times.  

I woke up yesterday morning to the wind slamming all of our open windows and doors in the entire apartment.  Huge thunder was cracking loudly outside....and even though I was still extremely groggy from sleep and scared out of my mind at the sudden loud noise....

It was perfect.  I've needed some rain and thunder.  Sometimes I don't know what it is I need until I hear it or see or smell it.  It's like hearing your favorite song after not listening to it for a few months or years even.  It automatically puts you in a place of familiar comfort.  The storm made me feel that way yesterday.  Just....comforted.

I'm going to try and look at living with fresh eyes this week and say yes to the things that scare me.  I have this nagging little habit that I need to break.  I let my anxiety and fear of failure keep me from doing things sometimes and it's no way to live.  Irrational fear and discovery are usually closer to each other than I think.  Deep breaths.  I can do this.

I love you.  Soooo much.  Whoever you are.  Pass it on.  :)

Love, Hayden

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