Wednesday, September 22, 2010

faking fashion.

So, it turns out that our professors were able to throw together one extra field trip: MILAN FOR FASHION WEEK!!!!!

Holy schmokes.  It's a once in a life time opportunity.  Milano Moda Donna Spring Summer 2011 Ready to Wear Fashion Week.  What the hell?  This is yet another one of those "how-did-I-get-here" moments.  If you had told me four years ago that I would be in Milan experiencing fashion week I would have told you to go take your meds and have a nap, silly.

Beautiful, right?  Well, here's the thing........I have no idea what the hell to wear.  Obviously, we don't have to wear a ball gown and jeans are more than acceptable...b-b-but...I'm clueless.   And i'm afraid I'll feel out of place.  In fact, as I looked at all of the gorgeous pictures....and even walking down the street in Santa Croce tonight I felt hyper aware of how well dressed everyone is.  I know I don't look bad.  But I couldn't help but have a tiny moment of feeling like the dirty hippy foreign student with a backpack.  This is what my face did when I got online tonight to find some inspiration.   Instead I found prices.

It looks like no matter how much I've tried to resist shopping....I'm going to need to put something together...and fast.  I'm nervous.  I don't want to look like an idiot.  The more I walk around and see what people are wearing here in Florence, the more I want to shop.  The clothes are fantastic.  Expensive for sure....but fantastic. But I think just maybe I can pull something off on a baby budget.  I'm an art student for Christ's sake.  We LIVE on baby budgets.  I'll make it work.  I've been pinching pennies and eating nutella and jelly sandwiches for a week straight  (the classic 30 cent meal)...I think I deserve to shop.

Some days I need to pinch myself extra hard to even begin to believe I'm here.  You know....SCREW worrying about money or clothes or blah blah blah.  I'm so....HERE right now.  And loving every moment.  I could go NAKED and be immensely happy.

.....Scratch that.  Not happening.  Happy shopping.  :)

Love, Hayden

P.S.  Figure drawing inside the Medici Chapels blew my ever-loving mind today.  If we were allowed to take pictures, I would have.  Mostly I was just peeing my pants staring at Michelangelos all over the place.  IS THIS REAL LIFE!!!???

1 comment:

  1. Oh Dear Girl ... yet another incredible and funny blog today!!! Laughing hard ... mostly cuz I know EXACTLY how you feel! But listen ... you are so BEAUTIFUL you could wear a potato sack and look wonderful .. heck, you might look like the next best thing that hit the runway! Go treat yourself to something that makes you feel (and look) amazing just this once. Let go and do it!
    It's a once-in-a-lifetime moment kiddo!
    Love you!
